
The table contains all the data of your selection (all data in the dataset by default).


You can click on the header of the table to perform data sorting by the selected column (by ID, provenance, etc.). You are able to sort it either ascendingly or the other way around. (By clicking the same header one more time)

Selecting and highlighting:

There are checkboxes in the front of each row of the table. They are disabled by default, you can enable them by zooming in the main map until the circles for detailed monasteries are shown. You can then click on the checkboxes to select the data of your interest. This selection will be shown on the maps, as the selected circles will be highlighted with red and all the other data points will be set to a lower opacity level.

Control Panel

Show movement animation button:

It is disabled until the circles for monasteries are shown. When clicked, a simple animation of book movements will be shown, as well as the traces (The trace for the selected data will be highlighted as well). When the animation finishes, you can click on the button again to play the animation again.

Hide Movement Button:

Only enabled when the circles for monasteries are shown and movement finished. Undo the 'move' command.

Religious Order/Provenance Selection:

You can select religious order/provenance of your interest (as many as you want). It will change the content of the table to contain only data with the chosen criteria. Press the clear selection next to it to clear all the selections.
N.B.: These two functionalities above can be used together to narrow down the data. For example you can select 'Benedictines' and 'Paris' to get all the Benedictines monasteries in Paris.

Destination Switches:

Only enabled when the circles for monasteries are shown. When toggled to hide, all data with this destination will be removed from the table, corresponding circles will be removed from the main map as well (mini-maps will not be affected).

Reset to Default Button:

Clear all the checkbox selections, set all switches to 'show', clear all religious order, provenanceorigin selections, hide movements and set the view to 'general'.